Maria Draganova

Maria Draganova


Maria Draganova – modeler/designer 

She has worked in Greece, Italy and South African fashion. For ten years she was at the Stara Zagora State Opera as chief designer.

Here are some of the productions she has worked on: "La Traviata", "La Bohème", "Turandot", "Don Quixote", "Swan Lake", "Die Csárdásfürstin", "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Otello", "Lucia de Lammermoor", "Ernani" and many others. "Nabucco", "Tosca", "Simone Bocanegra", "Werther", "Attila", " Le nozze di Figaro ", "The Great Gatsby" are productions she has done for Italy, Georgia and Croatia.

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