St. Alexander Nevski Square

Opera on the Square

26 July - 28 July

Opera on the Square

About the location

The performance is dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the consacration of the Patriarchal Cathedral Tt. Alexander Nevski


The Hermit of Rila
Musical poem in two acts and ten scenes

"We all sing aloud to you: Rejoice, Our Reverend Father John!"

In 1937, the Bulgarian public figure, writer, poet and ethnographer Tihomir Pavlov (1880-1937) created and published his last poetic work "The Hermit of Rila", based on the life of the All-Bulgarian saint Rev. John of Rila the Wondermaker. Unfortunately, this unique poem remained in oblivion until in 2022 our contemporary chaplain, composer, conductor and teacher Father Kiril Popov (b. 1955) found it in his personal archive and received musical inspiration.

Let us worthily praise the great desert-dweller of Rila and know that he always watches over us and is our prayerful intercessor before God.

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