"Golden Feather" for Acad. Plamen Kartaloff
22 May 2024Sofia Opera and Ballet

"Golden Feather" for Acad. Plamen Kartaloff

On 21 May at the Stefan Makedonski National Music Theatre, at a ceremony 24 outstanding personalities were honoured.

The "Golden Feather" was awarded to Acad. Plamen Kartaloff, Director of the Sofia Opera and Ballet. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Gabriel handed out the award saying:

"Maestro Kartaloff, it is an honour for me to present you with this award, because it is a recognition of your incredible talent to turn opera into a celebration of emotion, culture and inspiration, to show us that culture is the highest expression of diplomacy. You say that personal dreams, when they take hold, become bolder. You carry us away, not only in Europe, but throughout the world. So I wish that your dreams become bolder and bolder, so that you can reach new creative heights for the culture of Bulgaria."

"Very exciting are these words of creativity, united in the enthusiasm of many colleagues, supporters and associates in high goals, to the heights of the opera art not only in Bulgaria, but also in the world. I am thrilled because this award is the fruit of a tremendous amount of hard work by all my colleagues with whom I have worked at home and abroad and this. So I thank to everyone who is listed as a part of this award."

With these words expressed his excitement Acad. Plamen Kartaloff.

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Starting this year, the event's organizing team is launching a new initiative that aims to pay tribute to artists in an unconventional and environmentally friendly way. For each "Golden Feather" winner this year, a tree will be planted that will bear the corresponding name of its patron. The saplings will be planted in the park near the Kambanite Monument.

The prizes were handed out by representatives of Sofia Municipality, former and current ministers, previous winners of the prestigious distinction.

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