Opera by Luigi Cherubini

Duration 2:30 Intermission 1
Performed in italian, with bulgarian and english subtitles


Luigi Cherubini – a famous pedagogue and the most important composer of the era of the French Revolution. Italian by birth, he worked most of his life in France and played an important role in the development of French heroic opera. His most significant works are operas and sacred music. Beethoven considered Cherubini the greatest of his contemporaries. His operas have been praised and interpreted by Rossini, Schumann, Wagner, and Glinka who greatly appreciated his entire oeuvre. Cherubini died at the age of 82 as Director of the Paris Conservatoire. During his lifetime he compiled a catalogue of his works, which was published the year after his death.

Cherubini wrote 21 operas, including 11 seria and 10 comic operas. The most famous of them are "Lodoïska" and "Medea". The former because it was performed 200 times in one season, the latter because of the memorable 1953 production in Florence with the participation of Maria Callas, and her subsequent incarnations. Pier Paolo Pasolini's celebrated film with Callas in the lead role was without Cherubini's music, but it also heightened interest in the opera.

"Medea" is based on the libretto by François-Benoît Hoffmann (a pseudonym of Nicolas Étienne Framéry), based on Euripides' tragedy of Medea and the play of the same name by Pierre Corneille. It is set in the ancient city of Corinth.

The opera premiered on 13 March 1797 in Paris, but French society initially gave the new work a rather cool reception. Later, "Medea" was received considerably more favourably and was often applauded by the French nobility. The opera underwent five versions between 1800 and 1865. The last, the sixth, was at the beginning of the 20th century, when the opera was translated into Italian for its premiere at La Scala in 1909. In this version the spoken dialogue was replaced by recitatives, which were not authorized by the composer. In recent years a number of opera houses have returned to Cherubini's original version.


opera in three acts by Luigi Cherubini, libretto by François-Benoît Hoffmann based on the tragedies of the same name by Euripides, Seneca and Pierre Corneille.
It premiered on March 13, 1797 at the Théâtre Feydeau, Paris.

Giasone, leader of the Argonauts – tenor;
Medea, his wife – soprano;
Néris, her confidante – contralto;
Creonte, King of Corinth – bass;
Glauce, his daughter – soprano;

In order to steal the Golden Fleece during the Argonauts' campaign, Giasone receives help from Medea. In this way, she betrays her family. They leave Colchis together and she becomes his wife. They have two children.

The action takes place in Corinth.

First act

In the palace of King Creon
Daughter of Creonte, king of Corinth, Glauce completes preparations for her wedding to Giasone, assisted by two maids (O Amore, vieni a me! Fa cessar questo duol;). Giasone testifies his love for Glauce (Or che piu non vedro quella sposa crudele...). He has rejected Medea, a powerful sorceress and his ex-wife. The people of Corinth want Medea dead, but because she has gone into hiding, they threaten to destroy her children. Creonte assures Giasone that he will protect his children so that they do not suffer from the mistakes of their parents.

The Argonauts arrive to greet the newlyweds and spread at their feet the Golden Fleece they stole from Colchis. Medea manages to enter Creonte's palace and there she meets Jason, whom she asks to return to her family (Falsa è la tua parola… Dei tuoi figli la madre…). When he refuses, she curses him and vows revenge.

Second act

In Creonte's palace
Medea intends revenge, although Néris, her handmaiden, makes her leave Corinth (Medea, o Medea!... Solo un pianto con te versare,). Creonte also orders Medea to leave the city immediately, but she begs him and is granted permission to spend one more day with her children. She meets Giasone again. The two recall the happy moments of their love. She wants to take the children with her, but Jason does not allow it and promises that until the moment of her departure they will be with her. Finally, Medea orders her maid to give Glauce the cloak and diadem she received as a gift from Apollo, and then to bring her children.

Third act

The scene takes place between the palace and the temple
Néris, with the two children, returns to Medea and says that she has delivered the gifts. Medea asks her to take care of her sons (Del fiero duol che il cor mi frange) Voices and complaints are heard: Creonte and Glauce have died because Medea's gifts were poisonous. The enraged crowd rushes towards Medea, but she and Néris and the children take refuge in the temple. Giasone tries to stop her, but Néris comes out shocked, saying that Medea killed their children in the temple. Then Medea herself appears, still holding the bloody dagger. “I go to the sacred river. My shadow will wait for you there,” she tells Giasone and enters the temple, which is engulfed in flames.

Famous arias from the opera

First act
O Amore, vieni a me! Fa cessar questo duol;
Or que più non vedrò
Qui tremar devi tu, donna rea, empia maga!
Falsa è la tua parola… Dei tuoi figli la madre…

Second act
Medea, o Medea!... Solo un pianto con te versare,

Third act
Del fiero duol che il cor mi frange

See all

Author's composition:

Luigi Cherubini

Luigi Cherubini

The tragedy of the same name of


Pierre Corneille
The tragedy of the same name of

Pierre Corneille

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Ballet soloists



Production team:

Francesco Rosa

Francesco Rosa

Marco Gandini

Marco Gandini

Andrea Tocchio
Set designer

Andrea Tocchio

Mario Dice

Mario Dice

Emil Dinkov
Artistic lighting

Emil Dinkov

Teodor Georgiev
Assistant director

Teodor Georgiev

Lyudmila Ilieva

Lyudmila Ilieva

Violeta Dimitrova
Chorus Master

Violeta Dimitrova

Evgeni Nikolov
Concert Master

Evgeni Nikolov

Vera Beleva
Stage Manager

Vera Beleva

Vanesa Tsvetkova
Stage Manager

Vanesa Tsvetkova

Viara Karabeliova
Stage Manager

Viara Karabeliova

Agnes Dankova

Agnes Dankova

Svetlana Ananievska

Svetlana Ananievska


Anita Dafinska