08 Aug 2024Sofia Opera and Ballet


St. Alexander Nevsky Square turned into an amazing stage for the exciting story of the life and work of St. John of Rila the Wonderworker – the patron saint of the Bulgarian people, causing a real furore for the audience.

The musical poem "The Hermit of Rila" is based on a text by Tihomir Pavlov and music by Father Kiril Popov. Director Plamen Kartaloff's idea to "perform" it was met with enthusiasm. Days before the premiere he received the blessing of Bishop Evlogiy – the abbot of the Rila Holy Monastery. Plamen Kartaloff said that the spectacle "The Hermit of Rila" is dedicated to a feat and a message that every Bulgarian should feel, "because without a patron it is difficult to live in a country that has to think about its future, about its progress".

From the verses of Tihomir Pavlov Plamen Kartaloff created a real theatre with dynamic dramaturgy. The poem comes alive from act to act on the stage, 50 metres wide and 40 metres deep, where significant moments from the life of the Reverend John of Rila are revealed. The rite of monastic haircut, which reveals the sacrament of initiation into monasticism, is also included in the performance. The director's concept shows John of Rila as a highly educated man and throws a bridge to the achievements of the Golden Age of Bulgaria. Through impressive digital scenography (designed by Vladimir Grancharov and the team), pages from Bulgarian history were traced. For the first time, the facade of the temple-monument shone through a 3D Mapping projection. The set design of the impressive spectacle was in collaboration with the scenographer Nela Stoyanova and the artist Kristian Stoyanov. The costumes are by Marta Mironska.

In the main roles the audience saw Atanas Mladenov, Irinei Konstantinov, Ivan Radev, Nikolay Petrov, Veselin Mihaylov, Angel Hristov. The orchestra and the chorus of the Sofia Opera under the conducting of Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora and Zhorzh Dimitrov took part. The chorus master was Violeta Dimitrova. In the performance also participated children from the Children's Vocal and Theatre Formation led by Dimitar Kostantsaliev, as well as representatives of the Specialized Police Forces Department of the Sofia Directorate of Interior.

The solemn ringing of the bells of the St. Alexander Nevsky temple-monument heralded the beginning of the evening. Before the first performance, His Holiness Patriarch Daniel addressed the audience with a moving speech. He shared that the work of St. John of Rila was a guiding light and urged us not to forget his testament to strive to live "unanimously and with one mind." The Patriarch marked two important anniversaries – 555 years since the relics of the all-Bulgarian patron saint were restored to the Rila Holy Monastery and 100 years since the consecration of the temple of Sofia. His Holiness expressed his joy that the musical poem "The Hermit of Rila" is a continuation of many other works of art dedicated to the Reverend John of Rila. The Patriarch's address ended with a blessing for all.

More than 3000 spectators applauded the entire performers cast and production team.

Guests from abroad said that they were happy to discover the many thousands of history of Bulgaria and its art. The spectators left moved by what they had seen and with the hope that faith will rekindle good. They shared just how much we need faith in our time and how this spectacle fully demonstrates its power.

At the performances, besides His Holiness Patriarch and Metropolitan of Sofia Daniel, were present Bishop Gerasim of Melnik, Secretary General of St. Synod, Bishop Pachomiy of Branit, Bishop Evlogios of Adrianople, Abbot of the Rila Monastery, the Bishop of Belogradchik Polycarp, Hierotheos bishop of Agatopolis, Archimandrite John, Archpriest of the Sofia Metropolitan, archimandrites and many other clerics. The premiere was attended by the Mayor of Sofia Vasil Terziev, the Director General of BTA Kiril Valchev, directors of cultural institutes, artists, journalists from various media, the music critics from abroad Dirk Schauß (from the Austrian publication "Online Merker") and Gregor Tassie (from the international website "Seen and Heard International"). Flowers were presented by the President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, by a number of opera houses in the country, by the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and the Sofia Metropolitan.