Alexandrina Pendachanska, Biser Georgiev and Daniela Dyakova perform in honor of Nikola Ghiuselev
Photo: Никола Гюзелев - Мефистофел, "Фауст", снимка – организатори
30 Sep 2024BTA

Alexandrina Pendachanska, Biser Georgiev and Daniela Dyakova perform in honor of Nikola Ghiuselev

Soprano Alexandrina Pendachanska, bass Biser Georgiev and mezzosoprano Daniela Dyakova received this year’s international “Nikola Ghiuselev” award. On the 5th of October, at the Sofia Opera and Ballet, a concert will be held where the awarded will perform, the foundation of the same name commented.

The event is held in honor of maestro Nikola Ghiuselev, doctor Honoris Causa at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, commendatore of Italy and bearer of the international “Golden Verdi” award.

The Sofia Opera orchestra and lead singers will perform under the conductorship of Andrei Galanov. The event program includes orchestral fragments, arias and duets from operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Camille Saint-Saëns, Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Mascagni, Giuseppe Verdi, Vincenzo Bellini, Charles Gounod, Francesco Cilea, Amilcare Ponchielli.

Previously awarded with the “Nikola Ghiuselev” prize are opera singers Radostina Nikolaeva, Vladimir Stoyanov, Nikolai Karnolski, Kaludi Kaludov, Boiko Tsvetanov, Tsvetelina Vassileva, Georgi Kirov, Mariana Pencheva, Dobromir Momekov, Dimitar Stanchev, Mariyan Yovanovski, artists and scenographers Radostin Tchomakov, Krasimir Valkanov, Lyubomir Yordanov, conductors Sergio Oliva, Donato Renzetti, Gustav Kuhn.  

“There exists no clear boundary between the different aspects of art… the important thing is to bring the character you’re portraying to life, to live the part. As for me, I owe much to the process of “drawing” while portraying my characters on stage: I carefully watch my own body language, hand movement, posture and voice (all components of acting) through the eyes of an artists. It’s as if I’m drawing the character in real time”, Ghiuselev wrote in his book “The voice which paints”. He makes a revelation: a true performance “comes from the mind and the soul, from the honest and passionate study of the role…”


  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев, Атила, Верди, Сан Карло, Неапол
  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев, Мефистофел, "Фауст"
  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев, Филип II, "Дон Карлос", Верди, Сан Карло, Неапол
  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев
  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев
  • Photo: Никола Гюзелев